Friday, March 6, 2009

Minutes - Board Conference Call March 1 2009

Minutes of the Exective Meeting

Of the Saskatchewan Chapter of

Fair Vote Canada

March 1. 2009

Attendance (By Conference Call):

Sandra Finley, Elaine Hughes, Gord Hunter, Don Mitchell, Larissa Shasko, Rick Sawa

(regrets Ivan Olynyk, Derron Hoover)

Call to Order at 16:05, by Don Mitchell

In the Secretary’s absence, Gord Hunter agreed to take minutes

1. Report and Update of FVC Role in Tar Sands Tour

Sandra Finley reported that organization is going well. The fact that FVC has a table will be announced in the agenda. Tables will be open ½ hour before start and ½ hours after conclusion.

It was suggested by Don Mitchell that we purchase a fold out display board. Gord Hunter agreed to work on materials for the display board and for tables.

It was agreed to look into the purchase of a banner.

There are still some confirmations to get regarding who is to be the table host in a couple of locations but suggestions were made and will be followed up.

2. National Elections

The candidates were reviewed. There are nine candidates for five positions. Two are incumbents.

It was agreed to promote Gord Hunter’s candidacy through a message to members and on the website.

We will contact Larry Gordon regarding the voting process and timing

3. Possible FVC Face to Face Meeting/event Saskatoon – Regina

It was agreed to pursue the possibility of holding face to face social/educational gatherings with members and supporters in Saskatoon and Regina.

We will try to get speaker(s) who can talk about our organization and the work we are doing as well as the issue of electoral reform. There were a couple of names suggested. They will be contacted. We will approach FVC about some help with funding the event.

Mid May was suggested as a good time. Perhaps at the same time as the Cathedral Arts Festival in Regina.

4. Networking

Don Mitchell reported on efforts being made to build bridges with other groups such as farm groups. Efforts are underway with the Saskatchewan Federation of Labour in an effort to get labour more involved.

It was suggested that we should build on student networks, political parties etc.

There were more suggestions for places to set up tables, ie Regina Folk Festival, Ness Creek

Executive members will pass on any ideas

Fair Vote Sask needs a brochure, We will put it on the list of things to do.

5. Fund Raising

There was discussion about how we can raise money as a chapter. We will put out donation jars at our tables but it is recognized that any donations revived in this way will be modest.

Larissa Shasko reported that we received a $20.00 donation in the mail so we have money to put into our new account.

We will at some point put out an e-mail appeal and perhaps make an appeal as a part of a newsletter which we will produce in the future.

We have to raise our profile – letter to the editor; small ads are a couple of ways to be considered

6. Expanding our work provincially

We feel the current leadership race is a good time to get our issues on the NDP agenda.

It was agreed to research which minister is responsible for election reform in the Saskatchewan Government. We suspect it is Don Morgan but Gord will check with Elections Saskatchewan. We should try to meet face to face with Saskatchewan Government representative (Minister) re our issues. We will push for a citizen’s dialogue about reform.

7. Democracy Day

It was agreed to support the National initiate Democracy Day. We agreed to support the principles and to get involved but there was a sense that we should add a Saskatchewan component to the message.

Don Mitchell will discuss that will Larry Gordon

8. Adjournment – 17:15 pm

The next conference call is scheduled for April 5th 2009 at 16:00

Gord Hunter - recorder.

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